Thank you to all of our members!
Thank you to all of our generous members – without you, we would not be able to support our valuable preservation, exhibit, education, and public program work. Thank you!
Additional support from:
Alpine Bank, San Miguel County, Town of Telluride, Town of Mountain Village, Telluride Ski & Golf Resort, The Tecumseh Foundation, Pinhead Institute, and The Telluride Foundation.
We would also like to thank the following individuals for their support of $1,000 or more in 2016. Thank you!
Libba & Curtis Anderson
Tricia & Greg Anesi
Alpine Bank
Carrie & Kelly Barlow
Lauren Bloemsma & Todd Brown
Ambassadors Sue & Charles Cobb
Bonnie & Lou Cohen
Andie & Rudy Davison
Becky & Bill Deupree
Grace & Paul Engbring
Barbara Krichbaum & Kent Erickson
Lael & David Fruen
Carol & Hank Hintermeister
Mary & Jesse Johnson
Sue & Jim Lincoln
Jim Tharp & Jim Lindheim
Diane & Adam Max
Shari & Pete Mitchell
Pinhead Institute
Ellen Price
San Miguel County
Laura & John Shields
The Tecumseh Foundation
The Telluride Foundation
Telluride Ski & Golf Resort