Monthly Archives: February 2019

THM Partners with Mountain Trip for ‘Excellent Adventure’

Telluride Historical Museum Partners with Mountain Trip for ‘Excellent Adventure’

Feb. 1, 2018 (TELLURIDE, Colo) – Telluride Historical Museum has paired with Mountain Trip, an outdoor guiding company, in what may seem like an unlikely partnership. The two have collaborated on an outing like no other. “Bill & Todd’s Excellent Ames Adventure” (named for Mountain Trip owners Bill Allen and Todd Rutledge) is a day trip to Ames on Saturday, February 9 that includes a tour of the historic Ames Power Plant followed by an intro to ice climbing class.

The adventure will start off with a special behind the scenes tour of the Ames Power Plant which was the first in the world to use long distance transmission of alternating current for commercial purposes successfully. Using technology perfected by Nikola Tesla, the Ames Power Plant harnesses hydro-power through an induction motor to produce and transmit electrical power. After the original burned down, the power plant was rebuilt in the early 1900s where it still stands and operates today. Local guiding company, Mountain Trip, which started started in 1973 will lead the group on some beginner ice climbs in the Ames area after the tour.

“Bill and Todd’s excellent Ames adventure” is a great opportunity to experience both the old and the new, and it is a testament to the Museum’s dedication to collaborating with different organizations around town. “This is the sort of fun and exciting partnership the Museum should be pursuing,” Museum Executive Director Kiernan Lannon said. “It allows us to think outside of out traditional box and do something different, while at the same time, it helps us show that history absolutely permeates this region.  We’re extremely grateful to Todd and Mountain Trip for the opportunity to collaborate.” The Telluride Historical Museum has worked with many other local organizations including True North, The Pinhead Institute (a fellow Smithsonian Affiliate), Telluride Arts, The Wilkinson Public library, as well as others and is always looking to collaborate to help bring Telluride’s history to life.

The idea for this excursion came from a friendship and partnership that started with Telluride Historical Museum’s 2018 annual exhibit, Children of Winter Never Grow Old: Snow Sports in the San Juans. Theresa Koenigsknecht, Director of Programs and Exhibits reached out to Todd Rutledge and the Mountain Trip team for their expert knowledge on the history of ice climbing while doing research for the exhibit. Not only did they lend their valuable expertise but also generously loaned gear to display in the museum’s exhibit, which is on display through April 7. Rutledge expressed interest in working with local nonprofits and giving back to the community, and from there the two brainstormed on how to combine resources into a fun, one-of-a-kind excursion. “We’re so excited to offer this adventure,” states Koenigsknecht. “By providing all the gear, guides, and transportation, Mountain Trip is supporting the museum and creating a unique and affordable experience for locals.”

Cost for the ‘excellent adventure’ is $150 for non-members and $80 for museum members. This includes all equipment and transportation to and from Ames. Participants will meet at the Telluride Historical Museum at 9 a.m. to be outfitted and carpool to Ames. Space is limited to just eight participants and you can register by calling the Museum at 970-728-3344, visiting its website, or emailing  For more information visit:

The Telluride Historical Museum is a 501(c)3 founded in 1965. Sitting on the top of Fir Street, the Museum works diligently to preserve the rich, colorful and diverse history of the region and strives to bring this history to life through permanent and annual exhibitions, engaging programming, and insightful events.